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Sep 21, 2009

Deleting a company

You can delete a company by opening the company information screen in alteration mode and pressing Alt + d. Tally will ask for confirmation press "Y" to confirm deletion of the company.

Selection, viewing and altering a company

After creating one or more companies you can get the list of companies by pressing F1. From the list you can select the company you want to work with and press enter. The company will will be active.
**(For selection of a company => Gateway of tally -> press F1 -> select the company -> press enter.)**

For viewing and altering an existing company first select the company and then press ALT + F3 at Gateway of tally. Select the option Alter. Select the company you want to alter from the list of companies. The company alteration screen appears, where you can make necessary alterations and save the information.
**(For viewing and alteration => Gateway of tally -> press alt + F3 -> Select alter -> select the company you want to alter -> press enter)**

(NOTE- you cannot change the companies data directory)
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