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Oct 4, 2009

Creating Godown

In order to create a godown first you have to press F11 -> F2 -> 'Maintain Multiple Godown' -> press y i.e. yes -> press enter.
Then go to Inventory Info -> Godown -> Create.
A company may have Godowns in different places, they can maintain stocks of different godowns through this.

Creating new voucher

To create voucher go to Accounts info -> Voucher type -> Create -> Create Voucher.
Give the name of the voucher class then select the type of voucher. Then select whichever items should be included or excluded in the voucher. Press enter and then press 'y' i.e. yes to confirm.
To pass entry through that new voucher
Suppose you have created a new voucher under the type of voucher PAYMENT then go to Accounting Vouchers and press F5 then select the new voucher from there.
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