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The following information has to be entered:
- Tax Assessment Number : Enter 10 digit TAN number of the company.
- Income Tax Circle/Ward(TDS) : Enter the Income Tax Circle/Ward number under which the Company is assessed.
- Deductor Type : Two options are there Government and other. Select the right option.
- Name of the person responsible : Here name of the company official responsible for deposit of TDS is to be given.
- Designation : Give the designation of the person whose name has been displayed in 'Name of the person responsible'.
In order to activate TDS in Tally, press F11 from Gateway of Tally. Then press F3 or select Statutory & Taxation option. At the screen two options available - "Enable Tax Deducted at Source(TDS)" and "Set/Alter TDS Details". Set these options as 'yes'.