Open the Balance sheet by going to Display -> Balance Sheet or by pressing 'B' at Gateway of Tally
Insert a new column in the Balance Sheet by clicking on New Column button bar or by pressing Alt + C.
Enter necessary details, in the Column Details screen that appears :
- From(blank for beginning): Give the starting date of the period, for which the figures are to be taken.
- To(Blank for end) : Give the ending date of the period till which the figures are to be taken.
- Currency : Type of currency in which the amount is to be displayed.
- Method of Stock Valuation : Select the appropriate method of stock valuation here.
- Type of value to show : From the given list of 'Type of value', select the scenario based on which the amount of the new column will appear.
Then you will find two columns in the Balance Sheet for the same date, one column for the actual figures and the other based on the scenario.