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Nov 4, 2009

Creating FBT Journal with Class

You can also create a journal voucher with class. After selecting Journal Voucher for entry select the class i.e. Fringe Benefit Recovery and debit the party account and credit the expense account.

Creating FBT Journal without Class

To record a transaction involving FBT, we have to create a journal for FBT , when there is no class and have to debit the respective category of expense and credit party account.

Voucher Type Creation

For FBT transaction, the Journal voucher type has to altered. If you don't want to alter the existing voucher then you can create a new voucher, the voucher type should be Journal. In the Voucher type Creation/Alteration screen, type the class name for example Fringe Benefit Recovery and set the option "Use Class for FBT recovery" to 'yes'.
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