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Jun 3, 2010

Details to be given in Mailing Screen

As you click on the E-Mail button or press Alt + M, it will take you to the mailing screen. There the following information are required to be entered:

Company email address
For this field we have to enter the company email address at the company creation or alteration screen at the option email address.

E-mail Server
Here type the email server name

In this option you don't have to enter anything as Tally picks up the company name from the company information master records.

From e-mail address
Tally picks up the email address from the company information.

From the given list select the format. The formats available are ASCII, HTML and XML.

This field refers to the pixels used to format the report for better display but this field is only applicable if you choose HTML format. Tally recommends to use 1024 x 768 resolution.

To E-mail address
Here you have to type the recipient's e-mail address by selecting "New Address" option.

CC to
If you want to send a copy of the e-mail to another e-mail address then type the other e-mail address.

It is already given depending upon the content being sent but it can be changed by the user.

Additional text
It can be left blank if the user want to or else the user can type the text that will appear as the first line in the message.

How to use the web enabled features of Tally?

Internet Access
The web enabled feature of Tally offers direct internet access. It means that a user can directly log on to Tally's website i.e. If you want to access internet directly without opening the web sever then click on the Tally's website address displayed on the left side of the Product Info area.

Without wasting much of a time and doing much of a manual work a user should
take advantage of this medium of communication. This means of communication is not only time saving but also reduces the cost. It helps in quick transfer of information. To use this feature you need to click on the button E-Mail which appears on the horizontal button bar or press Alt + M. This E-Mail button is not always active, it is active only in Voucher entry screens and Report screens. Then the Mailing Day Book will appear.

Web Enabled Features of Tally

Now let me tell you the some of the web enabled features of Tally which reduces more of the manual work. The web enabled features of Tally helps you to reduce paper work and enables you to send reports, invoices and orders using e-mail from Tally. As it can be send through e-mail the user need not have to send printed reports. It also helps the user to upload reports on the website.

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