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Jul 18, 2010

How to Create Payroll Master?- Part 2

After details regarding Pay Heads are entered, select earnings for employees as the Pay Head Type from the List of Pay Head Types :

Under : Here the user has to select the appropriate group from the list of Groups given there.

Appears in Payslip : Here provide the information whether you want the the Payslip appear in Pay Heads, by selecting 'yes' or 'No'.

Name to appear in Payslip : In Case you have selected 'Yes' in the previous field, give the name that will appear in the Payslip. The text in the Name field will appear by default, which can be changed.

Calculation Type : The following five methods of computing the various Pay Heads are provided by Tally-

As Computed Value : In case the value of the pay head is dependent on other Pay heads this method is to be selected. Here you can define the dependent component by specifying the formula or using the current sub-total or current earning or deduction total. Not only that the slab either by percentage or value can also defined.

As user defined value : In case of Pay Heads with variable values, this method is selected. It will allow the user to manually enter the value at the time of processing the salary.

Flat rate : In cases where the value of the pay head is a fixed amount for a period, this method is applicable.

On Attendance : When the amount of salary is dependent on the attendance data of the employees and the components will get pro-rated based on the attendance, this method is selected.

On Production : This method is used to calculate the production incentive type of pay head.

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