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Oct 8, 2009

Memorandum Voucher

First activate this voucher by first pressing F11 -> F1 -> set 'Use reversing journal and optional' as 'yes'.
For memorandum voucher go to Accounting Vouchers and press
Ctrl + F10.

Why memorandum Voucher is used??

This question can be answered by a simple example.
Suppose a employee of a company is being sent to some place for a week or so. Company provides him Rs. 3000 as travelling expenses and tells him that he has to show each and every expenses made by him. In this case the Accountant enters Rs. 3000 as expenses but he unaware of the actual amount at that very moment, he will come to know about it after the employee returns.

In this case, the you will pass an entry n memorandum voucher showing that Rs. 3000 has been given to the employee as travelling expenses. Then after the employee comes back you will come to know about the exact amount and then go to
Display -> Day book -> select the voucher entry previously made -> Make necessary changes -> Press F5 for payment/F6 for receipt.If the expenses made by the employee is more than what was paid by the company before then payment has to made, and if the expenses are less then receipt is to be done.


Unknown said...

it is very useful.

Unknown said...

Thanks For Your valuable posting, it was very informative.

Job Typing

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