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Oct 6, 2009

Point of Sale

In an organization the parties/debtors may not pay the full amount in cash or cheque. In this case we have to create a new voucher named "Point of Sale" under sales. It will help in keeping records of how much the payment is made on credit card or through voucher or through cheque or cash.

First you have to create a voucher by going to Accounts Info -> Voucher Types -> Create -> Give the name as 'Point of Sale' -> Then type of voucher as 'Sales' -> Set POS invoicing as yes -> In place of print message 1 you can give an ending message you want to convey to your customers -> Give name of class as 'POS'.

Then select the name of the company whose vouchers are used and the banks where the amount for credit cards and cheques will be deposited and then give the percentage to be allocated.

(If you see that you have not created a required ledger then press ALT + C. You can create a new ledger. Same method is applicable in case of stock items and other fields)

To bring the mode Point of sale got to Accounting vouchers and then press F8 and from there chosse Point of sale and select POS invoicing. Then pass the voucher. If the modes of payment are not given then press Ctrl + P.


Unknown said...

Point of sale system is good for keeping your daily sales records. point of sale system can help a lot in your business growth and i must say that points you made is very interesting.
point of sale

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