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Sep 18, 2010

Mass Mailing Reminder Letters

Tally.ERP 9 now provides the facility of Mass Mailing Reminder Letters. It helps the user in sending multiple Emails to the respective recipients on just a click of a button.

The following steps are to be followed for mass mailing Reminder Letters to Parties :

Step 1
Go to Multi Account Printing -> Outstanding Statements -> Ledger -> Group of Accounts -> Select a Group.
The user should have an Email Account in Gmail, Yahoo mail and Hotmail.¨
Click M : Email or Press Alt + M.

Step 2
Enter the following in these fields :
  • E-Mail Server : Here enter the name of your SMTP server followed by the port number (For Example, or
  • Use SSL : Set this Option to “Yes”.
  • Use SSL on Standard Port : Set this option to “No”. (Choose “Yes”, if using SSL on Default / Standard SMTP Port).
  • From : This field displays the name of the company that was entered during Company Creation and stored in the company masters.
  • From E-mail Address : This field displays the e-mail address entered while creating the company. (You can Enter other E mail ID Address too).
  • Authentication User Name : Enter same Email Address here again.
  • Password : Enter the Password of the E-Mail ID given above.
  • Format : Set it as HTML (Web Publishing).
  • Resolution : Set it to 1024 x 768.
  • To Email Address : Set the option “All Ledgers”.
  • CC if Any : If you want to send same copy to any other Mail Address then feed in this option.
  • Subject : As per your want.
  • Additional Text : Write anything that you want to communicate through mail.
  • Information sent : Choose one option. (as per your need)
  • Email Reminder Letter : set this option to "Yes”.
Set the rest of the options as per your requirement in reports.

  1. The Email of Reminder Letters will be sent to the Email IDs specified in the respective Ledger Masters of the parties.
  2. To specify or view the email id specified in the ledger masters, you have to go to exceptional Report -> Email Id -> Press F5 : All Items

Tip of the Week by

Thanks for the Post.

Sep 3, 2010

Current Search Capability

Tally.ERP 9 has brought in a new enhanced feature which allows the user to highlight a particular set of Names based on the search text entered in the field.

In case of large numbers of names in the list or table, it is impossible for the user to remember the starting characters of the names. The user may remember only a part of the name which he wants to search.

After the user types the some part of the word, the software displays only the relevant names based on the search text and not all the names in the table/list.

How to activate Current Search Capability :

From Gateway of Tally -> Press F12 (Configuration) -> General -> Table Configuration -> Set Option Use “Reducing List” for tables to Yes and Apply for all columns to Yes.

The search will display the information as shown below :

For E.g. If we enter “Computer”, it shows all ledgers in which the word computer appears irrespective of the fact whether it is starting word or not.

In case of Item Based search, it will display the information as shown below :

Showing Stock Item search in Sales Voucher. Based on the item names and their Quantity.

Tip of the Week by

Thanks for the Post.

Aug 19, 2010

Attendance/Production Type Creation in Payroll

To Create Attendance/Production Type go to Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Attendance/Production Types -> Create. Then the Attendance/Production Types screen will appear where you have to enter the following details :

Name :
Here in this field enter the name of the Attendance/Production Types. For example Casual Leave or Overtime Allowance.

Alias :
Here you can enter any other name of the Attendance/Production Types.

Under :
Here select the appropriate option from the List of Attendance/Production Types that appears. In case of other master records, Attendance/Production Types may also be defined in hierarchical groups. For example an Attendance Type named Paid Leave may be selected under primary. Then the other Attendance Types like Casual Leave, Sick Leave may be created under 'Paid Leave'.

Attendance Type :
Here select the appropriate Attendance Type from the list that appears.

Period Type/Unit :
This field will appear automatically in case the Attendance Type is 'Attendance /Leave with Pay' or 'Leave without Pay' but if the attendance type is Production you have to select the appropriate Unit from the list of Units.

Accept to Save.

Aug 18, 2010

Free Download Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 2.0

Some of the Key Features of this version
  • Access Information on the fly Via SMS
  • Work Universally
  • Safeguard Data - Automated Backup and Recovery
  • Assess Knowledge Levels of Employees and many others.

Download Link

Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 2.0 Full Installer (Build 307) , with Reference Manual

Unit (Work) Creation in Payroll

A Unit (work) in Payroll matters is a unit of measure which helps in calculation of a Pay Head value based on Production. For example, hour, minutes to measure the duration of work. In case of Inventory, Units can be of two types
  1. Simple
  2. Compound
Unit(work) - Simple In Tally a Simple unit is a single independent unit and has no relationship with other units. In order to create 'Simple' Payroll Units go to Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Unit(Work) -> Create. The Unit creation screen will appear, where you have to enter the following informations :

  • Type : 'Simple' will automatically appear in this field.
  • Symbol : In this field type the symbol to be used for the unit. For example it can be 'min' for minute, 'hr' for Hour and so on.
  • Formal Name : Here the Name of the unit is to be entered like Hour, Minute, etc.
  • Number of Decimal Places : Specify upto how many decimal places the fraction can be displayed if the unit van be denoted in fration.

Unit (Work) - Compound
When two units created under the type simple is co-related using an arithmetical relationship, it is termed as a Compound Unit. To create a Compound Unit open the Unit (Work) creation screen as mentioned above. In the creation screen enter the following details :

  • Type : In this field first press backspace key and then select 'Compound' from the Type of units list.
  • First Unit : Here select the unit which is being defined. For example 1 hr = 60 mins, then first unit is 'hr'.
  • Conversion : Here you have to enter the figure which when multiplied with the First unit will result in the Second Unit.
  • Second Unit : Here select the relevant unit from the list of created units.

Aug 14, 2010

Salary Details Configuration in Payroll

In Order to suit the other requirements you can configure the salary details. In order to set the configuration Press F12 or click on the F12: Configure button at the Salary Details Creation or Alteration Screen. The Salary Details Configuration screen will appear where you will see the following options available :

Allow to Override Slab Percentage :
If you don't want to make any change in the slab percentage then set this field as "No". You can override or change the percentages already given by setting this field to "Yes".

Show Pay Head Type : If you want to display the Pay Head Type in the Salary Details Screen select this field as "Yes". If you don't want that set "No".

Show Calculation Type : If you want the Calculation Type of the selected Pay Head to be shown on the Salary Details Screen then set this field to "Yes" or else set it "No".

Show Computed On : Set "Yes" if computation details, if any for a Pay Head is to be displayed at the Salary Details Screen. If not select "No".

Aug 13, 2010

Generation of Quotations in Tally.ERP 9

Tally.ERP 9 is now provided with a new feature. Now Quotations can be generated using this software.

In order to Generate Quotations go to
Gateway of Tally -> F11 (Company Features) -> Accounting Features -> Budgets & Scenario Management -> Use Reversing Journal & Optional Vouchers -> set "Yes".

Then again go to
Gateway of Tally -> F11 (Company Features) -> Inventory Features -> Order Processing -> Allow Sales Order Processing -> set to "Yes".

Then go to
Gateway of Tally -> Inventory Vouchers -> Alt+F5 to Select "Sales Order" -> Ctrl + L to Set "Optional" -> Create "Quotation" like delivery challan / sales invoice: save it.

Now your Quotation is ready to view and print this:

In order to Print

Gateway of Tally > Display > Exception Reports > Optional Vouchers > here you will get your saved quotation. If you "Print" this- this would be printed as "Quotation".

Tip of the Week by

Thanks for the Post.

Aug 12, 2010

Salary Details for Employees Group

The structure of payment to the employees are stated using the option 'Salary Details'. Structure of Payment means the break up of their salary that is showing the various components or Pay Heads. The Pay Structure can be defined both for Single Employee as well as Employee Groups.

It is often seen that employees belonging to a particular group have the same salary structure. In this case we don't need to provide salary structure for individual employees. We can provide salary details for the Employee Group and then tag the employees with the salary details of their respective Employee Group. It will save a lot of time.

To Create Salary Details for an Employee Group, go to Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Salary Details -> Create.

From the Given List of Groups or Employees, select the Employee Group for which the Salary Details is to be defined. After that the Salary Details Screen will appear. There you have to enter the following info :

Effective From : In this field enter the date from when the pay structure is applicable. Tally takes this date automatically in case of first pay structure details. The date automatically taken is same as the Books Beginning From Date that means the date mentioned during Company Creation. The user can specify the "Effective From date" for subsequent pay structure.

Pay Head : In this field select the relevant Pay Heads from the List of Pay Heads given.

Pay Head Type, Calculation Type and Computed on : This fields will display the details provided while creating the Pay Head.

Rate : Wherever applicable enter the rates of periodic payment.

Accept to Save.

Aug 9, 2010

Employee Creation- Multiple in Payroll

If you want to create more than one employee at a single screen go to Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Employees-> Create(under multiple Employees). The Multiple Employee creation screen will appear where you have to enter relevant details as shown in the picture :

Aug 8, 2010

Employee Creation in Payroll

Employee creations is very vital for processing Payroll Transactions. All information and details regarding individual employees are to be entered through the Employees option.

Employee Creation

In order to create an employee go to Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Employees -> Create. The Employee Creation will appear where you have to enter the following details :

Category : 'Primary Cost Category' is taken by default in this field.

Name :
Here you have to enter the name of the employee.

Alias :
Here give any other name of the employee, if any.

Under :
Here in this field select the Employee Group from the List of Employee Groups.

Date of Joining :
Mention the date on which the employee joined the organisation.

General Info :
In this field information about the employee is to be entered i.e. employee's code, designation, place of duty, personal details like date of birth, blood group, address etc.

Payment Details :
Here you have to enter the bank details of the employee.

Statutory Details :
Statutory Details like PAN, PF No. ESI No. are to be entered here.

Passport & Visa Details :
Here you have to mention the Passport and Visa No. along with their date of expiry.

Contract Details :
Here you have to mention Contract related informations.

After you are done, Accept to save.

Aug 7, 2010

Displaying, Altering and Deleting Employee Group in Payroll

Employee Group Display

You can see the master records as you have seen before in case of Accounting and Inventory Record Maintenance. In order to view your employee Group go to Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Employee Groups -> Display.

Employee Group Alteration

In the same way you can alter the Employee Group created. In order to alter Employee Group go to Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Employee Groups -> Alter.

Employee Group Deletion
In case you have created a group by mistake and you don't want that Employee Group anymore then go to Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Employee Groups -> Alter and Press Alt + D.

NOTE : If any employee is tagged to the Employee Group you want to delete then the Group cannot be deleted.

Aug 5, 2010

Employee Group Creation in Payroll

Employees can be categorized in the same way as in case of ledgers and stock units. Employees can be grouped on the basis of their designation, department, location, etc.

This function of grouping employees facilitates in keeping employee details tagged to their respective groups. For example if salary details are defined for groups specifying salary details for individual employee separately is not required.

Employee Group Creation

To Create Employee Group go to
Gateway of Tally -> Payroll Info -> Employee Groups -> Create(under Single Group). Then the Group Creation Screen will open. There you have to fill the following field.

Category : In this field 'Primary Cost Category' will appear by default.

Name :
Here enter the name of the Employee Group you want to create.

Alias :
Here you can give another name for the group, if any.

Under :
Here select the group from the List of Employee Groups under which this Group falls. If the Group you are creating is a Top Level group or you have not created any group yet, then you have to select primary.

You can also create sub groups under a group. For example you can create sub-groups like Accounts Manager, Accounts Officer under the group 'Accounts'. For that enter 'Accounts Manager' in the name field and in the Under field select 'Accounts'. In this case 'Accounts' group should be created earlier.

After you are done
Accept to save the Employee Group.

Aug 3, 2010

Salary Ledger in Payroll

For processing the salary a Salary Payable ledger is to be created as a Pay Head. In order to create Salary Payable Pay Head Go to Payroll Info -> Pay Heads -> Create from Gateway of Tally. Then the Pay Head Creation Screen Will appear. There you have to enter the following details :

Name : Here you have to enter the name of the pay head you want to create.

Alias : Here enter any other name of the Pay Head, if any.

Pay Head Types :
In this field select Not Applicable from the list of pay heads types.

Under :
Here select Current Liabilities from the given list.

in order save the Pay Head.

When salary is disbursed, this account is to be debited and Cash or Bank account is to be credited.

How to create Deduction Pay Heads?

The first thing you need to do is go to Payroll Info -> Pay Heads -> Create. As you select and press enter on create the Pay Head Creation Screen will appear. In this screen you have to enter the relevant information. You have to fill up the following fields-Here It is shown for Earning Pay Head :

  • Pay Head Type : Here select the option Employees Statutory Deductions as the amount will be deducted from the Gross pay of the employee as per statutory regulations.

  • Under : Here in this field select Current Liability as the organisation is liable to pay the amount so deducted to the concerned government authorities.

  • Calculation Type : Here select 'As Computed Value' from the options as the amount of this Pay Head is dependent on the value of other Pay heads like Basic, HRA, Conveyance, etc.

Computation Info : Here in this Part you have to give the necessary details for computation of Professional Tax. It is described below :

Compute : As the amount of profession tax is based on selected earning pay heads, select 'On Specified Formula'. After selection of the option select the Pay Heads involved and specify the formula and then specify the slab. Select 'Percentage' in slab type column if the amount is calculated on percentage basis. If the amount is a fixed value specify 'Value Basis' in the Slab Type Column.

After you are done with the selection Accept to save the Pay Head.

Other Pay Heads can also be Created in a similar way.

Jul 24, 2010

How to Create Payroll Master?- Part 3

After you have entered the above, select the Calculation Period Type from the list-

  • Calculation Period : Here select the appropriate calculation period.
  • Rounding Method : From the Given list, select the applicable rounding method.
  • Computation Info : If "As Computed Value" is selected as the Calculation Type, provide the necessary details for computation method in this section. After that Accept to save Pay Head. You can also create Earning Pay Heads for Basic, DA, Conveyance, HRA and so on.

Jul 18, 2010

How to Create Payroll Master?- Part 2

After details regarding Pay Heads are entered, select earnings for employees as the Pay Head Type from the List of Pay Head Types :

Under : Here the user has to select the appropriate group from the list of Groups given there.

Appears in Payslip : Here provide the information whether you want the the Payslip appear in Pay Heads, by selecting 'yes' or 'No'.

Name to appear in Payslip : In Case you have selected 'Yes' in the previous field, give the name that will appear in the Payslip. The text in the Name field will appear by default, which can be changed.

Calculation Type : The following five methods of computing the various Pay Heads are provided by Tally-

As Computed Value : In case the value of the pay head is dependent on other Pay heads this method is to be selected. Here you can define the dependent component by specifying the formula or using the current sub-total or current earning or deduction total. Not only that the slab either by percentage or value can also defined.

As user defined value : In case of Pay Heads with variable values, this method is selected. It will allow the user to manually enter the value at the time of processing the salary.

Flat rate : In cases where the value of the pay head is a fixed amount for a period, this method is applicable.

On Attendance : When the amount of salary is dependent on the attendance data of the employees and the components will get pro-rated based on the attendance, this method is selected.

On Production : This method is used to calculate the production incentive type of pay head.

Jul 10, 2010

How to Create Payroll Master?- Part 1

For Payroll Accounting all master records are created through Payroll Info. Select Payroll Info from Gateway of Tally. Payroll Info menu allows you to set up the employee details and standard payroll information, with common payroll fields. It is also used for calculating earning
and deductions.

Noe lets learn the utility and process of creating the payroll master records.

For creating all the compondnts, which form a part of the salary structure of the employees, Pay Head is used. The salary includes Basic, Dearness Allowance(DA), House Rent allowance(HRA), Conveyance, Provident Fund(PF) contribution, Professional tax and so on. These components and their amount may vary from employee to employee.

In order to create a pay head which is an earning to the employee. From the payroll info menu go to
Pay Heads -> Create.
Then pay head creation screen will appear where you have to fill up the following informations.

Name : Here you have to give the name of the Earning Pay Head.

Alias :
Here enter the other name of the Pay Head, if any.

Pay Head Type :
The following Pay Heads are provided by Tally-
  • Deduction from Employees : If any amount of money is to be deducted from the salary of the employee.
  • Earnings of the Employee : When there is Basic, DA, HRA, Conveyence and so on.
  • Employee's Statutory Deduction : It is for the purpose of PF and professional tax, etc.
  • Employer's Statutory Contribution : It is for the purpose of PF, ESI, etc.
  • Gratuity : For Pay Heads which relate Gratuity.
  • Loans and Advances : For employees who has Loans and Advances related to their Pay Heads.
  • Reimbursements to Employees : In certain cases Employer provide the expense incurred by the Employee, like Traveling Expenses.
  • Not Applicable : In case of 'Salary Payable' Pay Head this is to be selected. It will be used for recording processing of salary.

Jul 4, 2010

Stages of Payroll Accounting

The Payroll Accounting is done in different stages. The stages are as follows :

Stage 1
Pay Heads Creation
Pay Head means the components of a salary structure. For example- Basic, Dearness Allowance(DA), House Rent Allowance(HRA), Provident Fund(PF), etc.

Stage 2
Recording Details of the employees
From Employee masters, employee details are to be recorded. Employees can also be grouped on the basis of their designation or department.

Stage 3
Defining Salary Structure
The contents of the salary structure and the basis of their computation are defined using the Salary Details option. Salary Details can be set for both grouped employees and individual employees.

Stage 4
Payroll Processing and Generating Payslip
Payroll Voucher is to be entered to record salary processing details. Salary Payslip for all employees also needs to be generated which not only provides the employees attendance but also the earning components and deductions of the employee, and show the net amount paid to him for the pay period.

Details of this Stages will be provided in the next post.

Jul 3, 2010

How to set up Payroll Configuration?

For Payroll setup configuration you have to Press F12 and then from there select Payroll Configuration.
After you have selected, the payroll configuration screen appears.

Enter the following details there:

Show statutory details : If you want to maintain the record of
Provident Fund, Employees state insurance and pan details nd print the
same in the payslips then set this option as 'yes'.

Show Passport and Visa details : Set this option 'yes' in order to
display passport and visa details of employees in Export Reports
generated by Tally.

Show contract details : In order to display the contract starting date and expiry date of employees, this option needs to be set to 'yes'.

Jun 30, 2010

How to Activate Payroll in Tally?

Generally Payroll is not activated in Tally. If you want to activate Payroll accounting in Tally then Press F11 to open the company features menu. Then press F1 to open Accounting Features. Finally set the field "Maintain Payroll" and "More than ONE Payroll/Cost Category" to 'yes'.

The option "More than ONE Payroll/Cost Category" is to be set yes if payroll processing is to done for multiple groups of employees.

Jun 29, 2010

What is Payroll?

Payroll : It is series of accounting transactions dealing with payment of employees for services rendered by them, after processing of various statutory requirements.

It not only just includes salaries but wages, commission, bonus, vacation allowances, sick-leave pay and value of taxable fringe benefits also. It also includes statutory deductions of money from the employees, like provident fund, employees state insurance, professional tax and so on.

The Payroll feature is very useful as it is integrated with accounting to give the user the benefits of simplified Payroll processing and accounting.


If some problem arises in reading the data then in that case rewriting or repairing of data is to be done. In order to rewrite or repair press Ctrl + Alt + R at Gateway of tally and select the company that is to be rewritten. Press 'y' to start rewrite.

NOTE: It is advised that a back up should be kept before rewriting as Tally drops those data which are incomplete or damaged. Tally writes the reference of dropped data in a file tally.rew, its contents can be viewed using any text editor like notepad.

Jun 28, 2010


If the data stored in your hard disk get damaged or deleted for reasons below your control. In such a sitution you can get back the data by copying back the data kept at another place through Back Up process. This process of getting back the data is known as Restoration of Data.
Restoration is possible only if you have taken back up earlier. If there is no back up, restoration is not possible. Back up is quiet an important task for all companies.

Restoration can be done in the following process:

Press Alt + F3 at Gateway of Tally to open the
Company Info menu. Then there select the option Restore. It will take you to the 'Select Companies to Restore' screen.

You will notice there that the last used Source and Destination path is displayed here.

The source field should have the full directory name from where you want to bring back the previous data. As you enter the full directory name, it will read the contents of the particular file and will then display the list of companies available.

In the Destination field mention the location on the hard disk where the company data needs to be copied back.

The companies available at the specified directory at the source field are found in the list. It means that the backup of these companies are available at the location mentioned in the Source field. There you have to select the companies you want to be restored. Then press 'y' to start restoration.

Jun 27, 2010

Back up

When we work in Tally the company data is stored in Hard Disk but for safety a copy of data should always be kept in another media like CD, Floppy, etc. The data can also be kept in Hard Disk. The process of keeping another copy of the data in another place is known as Back Up.

Go to Company Info menu from Gateway of Tally by pressing Alt + F3, select the option 'Backup' there. Then it will take you to "Select Companies to Backup" screen.

There you have to enter the following details:
  • Source : It is generally taken by default. Here the user needs to enter the full directory name where the company data is stored.
  • Destiation : Here the user has to enter the full directory name where the backup data is to be stored.
  • Name of Company : Here the user has to select the names of the company from the given list whose data is to be copied. More than one company can be selected and once the user is done with the selection, the user needs to select End of List and click on 'Yes' at Accept? to start the backup process.
  • Multi Volume Backup : When there is huge volume of data and one media is insufficient to store the complete data then Tally will prompt the user to insert second disk.
Remember that you have to mark the disks serially to maintain the sequence while restoring the backup data.

Jun 26, 2010

Creating Tally Vault for a Existing company

If Tally Vault Password is not entered at the time of company creation, it doesn't mean that the Tally Vault can no more be activated for that company. For an existing company first load the desired company then press Alt + F3 to open Company Info menu.

Then select the option Change TallyVault option. There you have to again select the company which you want to secure. Then you have to enter new Tally Vault Password and again give the same password in the field Repeat New Password.

Jun 25, 2010

Creating Tally Vault for a New Company

In order to create Tally Vault for a new company you have to enter the Tally Vault password at the company creation screen and again repeat the same in the field 'Repeat'. The password should not be the same as entered by the administrator. The Tally vaulted company will no longer be shown in the list of companies, instead of the name of the company asterisks(*) will be shown in order to denote that company.

If more than one Tally vaulted company then you have to identify the company by serial number.

Jun 24, 2010

Tally Vault

Tally Vault is another security feature in Tally. It ensures that under no circumstances the original information is available to anyone in any form. The decrypted form of data is never stored in the system so it is possible.To validate a new user without any prior knowledge of the original password it uses the 'non-stored password' mechanism. There can be only one user in Tally Vault company. It has no option to know the name of the company for which Tally Vault has been activated as it appears in asteriks.
These features show that Tally Vault becomes one of the most secure means of information storage.

Jun 22, 2010

New Features of Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.81

Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.81 is the latest version of Tally presently released on June 10, 2010.

New Features of Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.81

New improved Licensing Experience

The licensing mechanism has been made simple, faster and comes with an improved user experience. It also includes troubleshooting connectivity issues.Licensing is enhanced broadly. The enhancements are categorized as follows:

User Experience
  • License Reactivation is now a single step process and the concept of unlocking the license file is eliminated from the software.
  • From License Activation and Reactivation, multiple menus removed.
  • Now to activate Single Site and Promo Rental license single form provided.
  • Multi Site Activation form is now available at the click of a single button.
  • Tally.ERP 9 prompts for resolution on detecting the Site or Account Administrator is attached to more than single site in case of multi-site reactivation.
  • You can now force password change on logging in to any one of the following Tally.NET Services for the first time.
  1. Update License
  2. Remote Tally.NET
  3. Surrender License
  4. Control Centre
  5. Support Centre
  • Now it is redirected to the appropriate form on attempting to activate a surrendered license or reactivate an un-activated serial number.


  • Connectivity problems detected while activating or reactivating the license of the software are provided with detailed reasons and possible solutions.
  • While establishing a connection in Educational Mode with the license server, the system detects and lists the problems. If any problem is found then the possible solutions and actions is provided.
New Service Tax features

The Service Tax feature in Tally.ERP 9 has been upgrated to handle all the functional, accounting and statutory requirements of your business in an accurate and simple manner. In this new version option have been provided to have common or Tax head specific tax ledger to account both Service Input Credit and Output Tax of all service categories. Option have been given to create common Purchase (expenses) or sales (Income) ledger to account purchase and sale of services of all categories. Now users can record Service Tax transactions in Journal or Purchase or Sales Voucher. Through Receipt Voucher and print Receipt -Cum- Challan Service Tax Billing (for professionals) can be done. Multiple services in a single voucher can be recorded through options. It supports booking of service Bills inclusive of Service Tax. In single invoice (Works Contract) both service tax related and non-service tax related services can be accounted. Cash Purchases and Sales can be recorded and printed in the name of the party by the user. Advance Receipts and adjust the advances towards the service bill can be managed in this version of Tally. Users can now record purchase of services from GTA and calculate the service tax payable for them. It provides option to record Import of services and calculate the service tax payable. It also helps in Handling exempt, export, pure agent and abatement services. It can manage advance service tax payments to Government and adjust the tax payable towards the advance. It supports the Amount deducted as TDS on Services Received are considered as realised. It also supports Service Tax Calculation in Sales or Purchase Orders. Users can now adjust Service Consideration in Journal Vouchers. Full or Partial Service Tax input credit towards Service Tax payable and CENVAT credit can be adjusted towards service tax payable. It has the facility to Record Money Equivalent Transactions. This new version has the provision to account Service Tax Opening Balance. It supports reversal of service amount with Service Tax (before realisation) and has the facility to generate G.A.R. 7 Challan.

Service Tax related reports

Under Service Tax Payables report, 4 separate reports are provided

  • Bill date wise: It displays the details of Tax payable based on Bill Date for the period selected.
  • Receipt Date wise: It displays the details of Tax payable based on Receipt Date for the period selected.
  • Tax on Service Received: It displays the details of Tax payable on services received(GTA).
  • Import of Services: It displays the details of Tax payable on services imported.
Input Credit Summary displays the details of service Input credit for the period selected.

ST 3 Form is half yearly return of Service Tax Charged and paid.

Service Tax Migration

The old Service Tax Data will be automatically updated to the new Service Tax (Data Structure).

Send information in PDF and Image (JPEG) Formats

Tally.ERP 9 now enables the user to Export or E-Mail the reports in JPEG (Image) file and PDF (Portable Document Format) formats. It ensures that the document send in this format are non-editable.
Portable Data Format (pdf) are protected from alterations using passwords and can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat reader or a compatible reader only.
Image (JPEG) file generated supports the highest level of compression and this image file can be viewed using an image viewer and can be printed.

Index Printing for Multi Account Printing

Index Page has been provided in this version of Tally, while printing All Ledger Accounts or All Items and Group of Accounts or Group of Items from Multi Account Printing.
Now the user can print Index page in order to summarise page wise printing of Ledger Accounts or Items.

Jun 18, 2010

New Features of Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.6

For Distributed Business Environments, New Data Synchronisation

To make the process simple, fast and wide-ranging, Data synchronisation is now available with new capabilities and behavioural changes in Tally. The new capabilities of Data Synchronisation will help the distributed Business Environment to get the required information on right time. The capabilities are as follows :
  • 40% to 70% performance enhanced performance achieved.
  • Send or receive vouchers from the client / server.
  • Specify the type of vouchers that you need to synchronise i.e. now you can Filter Voucher Types.
  • Synchronise after selected Voucher Types has been saved.
  • Online Snapshot can be taken.
  • Multi-level Synchronisation Support. It Supports complex hierarchy or Complicated Organisation structures
Schedule VI reports and Statutory Audit Tool for Auditor's Edition

  • For performing the Statutory Audit, Auditor's are provided a new powerful tool in this version of Tally. The tool aims at providing all the necessary tools that an auditor would need to analyse the Books of Accounts, highlight deviations, discover exceptions and generate the required Financial Statements as per Schedule VI formats.
This tool is divided into two parts:
  • Audit & Analysis which is further divided into two sections:
  1. Data Analysis
  2. Auditing
  • Financial Statements
Data Analysis

This tool provides the flexibility to load and compare the data of two years whether both the years are in same data or split data in different folders. It helps the auditor to compare the Audit Year data with the Previous Year’s data and check if there are any deviations. Investigating and highlighting specific exceptions will be helpful for the auditor in order to highlight the issues in the Books of Accounts if any. The tool approaches step by step starting from checking the Chart of Accounts, verifying the Group/Ledger Balances, conducting various Analysis to find deviations, check the statutory Payments made etc. Data Analysis constitutes of the following tools:

  • Verification of Chart of Accounts
  • Analytical Procedures
  • Pending Documents
  • Verification of Stock Items
  • Verification of Balances
  • Statutory Payments

It provides the capability to scrutinize and Vouch the available transactions. It has been made more flexible, it has been provided to enter the audit comments on the entire data or sampled data or specific data.
In Auditing the following recommended Sampling Methods have been provided :

  • Even numbered Vouchers
  • Odd numbered Vouchers
  • Amount Range
  • Benford Analysis
  • Specific Period
  • Specified Vouchers
Financial Statements
Financial Statements can be generated as per the Schedule format specified in the Company’s act, as follows:
  • Schedule VI Profit & Loss A/c Statement
  • Schedule VI Balance Sheet
New functional features like Cut (Move), Paste (To), Undo etc. have been provided to classify or re-classify any default Tally Group or Ledger Balances to prepare or modify the above reports without effecting the Client’s data.
Quick Setup (Wizard)

This is a new feature being introduced with Tally.ERP 9. It is a Single Window Statutory Masters Configuration screen which guides the user to configure all the statutory masters (be it Accounts/Inventory/Voucher Types). It is required for the effective use of a particular statutory module.
It can be used to configure the masters for the following Statutory Modules:

  • Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)
  • Tax Collected at Source (TCS)
  • Value Added Tax (VAT)
  • Excise for Dealers
  • Excise for Manufacturers
Stock Query

In this new version of Tally, a separate button 'S' which means Stock Query has been provided to display the Stock Query Report for an item during the Voucher Creation or Alteration screen. It helps the user to check the Stock position and other information related to the specific items while creating or altering a Voucher/Invoice/Order.

Mass Emailing

A new Mass Emailing facility has been provided in this new version to help the user in order to send multiple emails to the recipients on click of a button.
  • This facility will allow the user to send Confirmation of Accounts to the Parties, Outstanding Statements or Reminder Letters to the Parties, and also send Pay Slips to all or selected Employees.
  • A separate Email Exception report has been provided in order to view and correct the Email Address details that were not entered or incorrectly entered while creating the Ledgers or Employees.
Batch Report
Now in this new version the user can view a report of the stock item for a particular batch. Here the inward and outward movement for the selected Batch is shown.

Jun 15, 2010

General Issues Resolved in Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.61

  • Tally.ERP 9 Silver was crashing while unlocking the license file on certain computers, this issue has been resolved.
  • On activating the license using the license server, Tally.ERP 9 was displaying the Error Code 81. This problem has been solved.
  • The pop-up message was not appearing when the firewall was enabled while installing Tally.ERP 9 on a 64 bit Operating System. Now this problem is not there.
  • The License Server was not starting automatically on restarting the computer with Windows 2008 Operating System even when the Start up Type is set to Automatic. This problem is solved.
Printing & Rendering

  • While printing an invoice in simple format with 5.5 inches height Tally.ERP 9 was crashing, it does not crash in this new version.
  • Tally.ERP 9 when closed by right clicking on Taskbar and using the Close option, continued to run in the background. This problem has been solved.
  • While resizing the window while previewing or printing, Tally.ERP 9 was crashing. This problem has been solved.
Support Centre

  • Select an interaction having an attachment from Ticket Number containing multiple interactions in the Zoom In content mode. From the same ticket number the contents of the previous attachment were displayed on selecting another interaction. This problem has also been solved.

  • Previously the Client and Server rules exchanged all the Voucher Type Masters irrespective of the type of synchronisation on setting up synchronisation, . This problem has been solved.
  • On synchronising vouchers which contains empty VCHKEY, Tally.ERP 9 was crashing. Now it doesn't.
  • On performing Snapshot Exchange with Sync Over Slow Connection being disabled in the Client Rule only 200 vouchers were exchanged . This problem has been rectified.
  • Duplicate vouchers were created on exporting and importing data in Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.52 or earlier, and on synchronising the same data using Release 1.6 the duplicate vouchers were overwritten resulting in missing vouchers. This has been resolved.
  • Tally.ERP 9 displayed an error message- Voucher Number 999 already exists during Data synchronisation between multiple locations, using an earlier release which was modified in Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.6. synchronisation. This has also been resolved.
  • The relative position of cancelled vouchers were changed at the receiving end on Synchronising data. This problem has been resolved.
  • Displaying Out of Memory error in Tally.ERP 9 while performing an Exchange Snapshot Online, of acompany with large data. This has been resolved.
  • At the client and server on data synchronisation changes the position of the vouchers of Tally.ERP 9 Release 1.52 in Release 1.6. This problem has been resolved.
  • Tally.ERP 9 displays the message 'Client and Server companies have same GUID' on detecting similar GUID's at the Client and Server companies. It used to show Cannot proceed with synchronization and halts the synchronisation process.
Note: Synchronisation is not supported between two companies which are copied and pasted.
  • When the Tally.imp file was in read only mode during synchronisation Tally.ERP 9 was crashing. This problem has been resolved.
  • Tally.ERP 9 was not displaying any error message while attempting to import the data from non-existent file. Now it displays the message File not Found.

Note: Before upgrading to Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.61 ensure that you have completed the synchronisation process till date in the release installed on your respective computers.

Other Enhancements of Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 1.61

Functional Enhancements

For parties without PAN details, TDS deduction @ 20%
In case of TDS eligible payments Finance Act (2) of 2009 makes PAN compulsory , failing which tax should be deducted at the higher rate i.e. 20% effective from 1st April 2010. For deductees who have not produced PAN to the Deductor, Provision to Deduct TDS @ 20% (w.e.f. 1-4-2010) is now available.


Quick Setup displayed in Tax Ledger Setup screen for the following:
  • Regular VAT enabled Company, with the Type of Tax - Cess on VAT is introduced as a Method of Calculation for selecting the same in States where Cess is charged on sales and purchases.
  • Composite VAT enabled Company, the Type of Tax - Displaying VAT Composition in Type of Duty/Tax list in the Tax Ledger Setup.
In Voucher Type Setup section of Quick Setup, the options - F8 is for Sales and F7 to Activate Adjustment Flags in Journal are provided for easy access and configuration of the user.

The option Used in VAT Returns in case of Composite VAT enabled company, will be displayed in ledger masters grouped under Indirect Expenses or Indirect Incomes to facilitate selection of VAT or Tax Class in the ledger creation or alteration mode.

Accounting Vouchers
  • The Buyer is replaced by Customer if company has been created where Country details is set as International, then while printing Invoices the applicable change will be made.
  • Now the Item Part No is printed in a separate column while printing Invoices by enabling the option 'Print Part No' in F12 Print Configuration.
Auditors’ Edition

Statutory Audit

  • Under Forex Transactions an additional option 'Show Bill wise details' has also been provided in the Forex Vouchers report. It will help the Auditor to view the complete information of the related Forex Vouchers.
  • Related Party Transactions – To display the Bill Wise and On Account transaction Ledger details, vouchers report has been modified for better clarity and to form the opinion.
  • When the options 'Show Audit Status' and 'Show Audit Note' are set to No at Configuration( F12 )under Verification of Vouchers the Enter Key is inactivated in all the drill down reports.
  • When more than one Party and more than one Currency are involved, the Forex Vouchers report has been enhanced to display the Vouchers in detailed mode to show all parties and exchange rates used by default.
  • The Grand Total for all the Transactions are also displayed in the reports. In the Employee Vouchers screen from Salary or Wages Payments report, F2 i.e Period button has been provided in order to display the Payroll Vouchers for the selected Employee, for a selected period.
  • During the remote access performance has been improved for all the reports available under Verification of Vouchers .
Financial Statements

  • The Debit & Credit amount column will be printed in single column while printing Schedule Summary of Financial Statement (Schedule-VI Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c).
  • The Company Name will not be printed in the Amount column while printing the drill down reports from Financial Statements (Schedule-VI Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c)
TDL Enhancements

Reducing Table Search Enhancement
  • Previously it was only possible to search the items in a table based on text which was matched from the starting characters of the item names and search was restricted to the first column of the table only but now it has been enhanced to Reducing Table Search.
It allows the user to narrow down the table and select item based on search criteria. The search text is matched with all part of the item names and also applies to all columns of the table.

Using the above capability the users have been delivered this product with the functionality of applying the above search technique to all the tables available in the default product. This functions availability while working will be of course found only if the configurations is properly set.
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